>Films I Love: The Village


Those of you who have read my blog for a while, are aware of how much I praise this film, as I’ve mentioned it some other times. The Village is quite special: it’s thrilling, intriguing and striking, and at the same, it’s as tender as a soft focus image coming out of a fairy tale. It’s a love story, a simple and true one. At least that’s how I see it, although others can see deepest elements in it, which is not entirely wrong, and that’s how brilliant the story is. One could see it as a sad and pessimistic film about today’s society and how we fear everything that surrounds us to the point of immersing ourselves inside a bubble. Through another point of view, it could also be about family values, about cherrishing and protecting those we love, no matter what it takes, like Ivy Walker does so bravely while entering in a forbidden path she can’t even see, after all, she’s blind. There’s also the beautiful soundtrack, layering love and terror when you least expect.

The Village (2004)
Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan
Starring: Bryce Dallas Howard, Joaquin Phoenix, Adrien Brody, William Hurt, Sigourney Weaver, Judy Greer, Michael Pitt.

14 Comments to “>Films I Love: The Village”

  1. >while i loved the artwork and photography of this film, i've got to say the twist at the end was a bit too abrupt for my taste… (is abrupt a word?) – also, isn't she beautiful?i hope you are well darling, lots of love.

  2. >I havent seen this film but after reading your review, I know this is the sort of film which will make me break out into goosepimples even after the 3rd time watching it or something. It's achingly beautiful! I'd have to find some time to catch it!

  3. >This is a really good film actually, Saw it a while ago and really enjoyed it. The twist near the end was shocking!

  4. >Pois é… eu gosto de A VILA. Mas acho que foi o último bom filme do Shyamalan.Bjs!

  5. >Romeika, eu também adoro "A Vila" e não poderia ter escrito sobre este filme de melhor maneira que a sua. Parabéns!

  6. >Jimena, I believe so, it's an adjective, isn't it?:-) I think there are a lot of people who don't like The Village's twist/ending. Ah, and Bryce is so gorgeous, and she's great in this film.Penelope, that's exactly how I feel:-)Kat, I didn't expect it at all either.Otavio, eu gosto de "A Dama na Agua", mas sei que sou minoria. Bjs!Kamila, valeu! Sei o quanto vc gosta deste filme tb:-)

  7. >oh, i dont like this film at all, i dont usually like this director, with him its either you love it or hate it so you know where i am, though i kinda enjoyed the happening and i loved the 6th sense.anyway, i couldnt find those twopics you asked me, i took the icons from livejournals, but if you click on my name there you will have the marie antoinette cap 😉

  8. >oh, good. I'm glad someone else liked this film. I liked it very much but it got such a bad reputation.I love the set design and the story. I think Bryce Howard is fantastic in it!thanks for reminding me – maybe it's time to watch it again? 🙂

  9. >Miss_Scarlett, exactly, love him or hate him hehe The 6th sense is a great film, but The Happening was his weakest film so far imo.. And everyone seems to hate it, so it's surprising to see someone that actully liked it! I didn't entirely dislike it, there are some positive aspects in it, but overall,I found it was quite disappointing.Tahda, one more to join the club! hehe "The Village" is extremely underrated, both by the media and the public, but I love it. The set design is another good aspect, it really brings that innocent atmosphere. Bryce gave such a great performance,too bad she's not working so often these days.

  10. >ah! i love that movie! and i just came across your blog, and am going to link you.. if you dont mind 😀

  11. >I also love this movie. It's probably my third Shy favorite, right after The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable. It really is, in it's core, a love story. Although I consider the brilliance it's riveting social comentary, what makes it so beautiful and memorable is the affection we start to take to it's characters, bound by their love to seek the terrors beyond their imaginations. Great movie.Ciao!

  12. >i think you're in love with love.me too.one day i'll watchthe movie againmaybe theni'll love it too.

  13. >Ryanne, of course I don't! Thank you!Wally, that's nice you see it as a love story deep within, as well. And I agree, there's more about this film, and that's how brilliant it is.Seraphine, I love LOVE:-) haha

  14. >awww. i watched this movie for the first time with my boyfriend and i loooooved it.

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